• #652
Or Mrs Lorry Driver.
• #653
Or Miss.
• #654
I doubt a Sir would drive one of those, though.
• #655
Who's 'we', whitey?
• #656
Your a 'we'
• #657
I think that the phrase "victim blaming" is a tad misleading. My understanding is that it attempts to convey the poor attribution of MOST blame onto the victim, rather than the perpetrator.
An analogy is that of a tourist wandering into a rough area of a foreign town and getting murdered. Certainly the tourist's behaviour contributed to their death and in that way perhaps they are in some way to blame. But, obviously, the murderer is actially to blame.
• #658
Extending that analogy, perhaps the local council should put money into tourist information signage to inform the tourist, but they should also ensure the murderer is brought to justice. Particularly if there is a history of murderers getting let off due to juries deciding that the tourist had it coming to them. Also if at least one murderer had successfully used the existence of such a sign in their defence.
• #659
Going back to the highway code rules about undertaking, the other thing is:
Rule 221
Large vehicles. These may need extra road space to turn or to deal with a hazard that you are not able to see. If you are following a large vehicle, such as a bus or articulated lorry, be aware that the driver may not be able to see you in the mirrors. Be prepared to stop and wait if it needs room or time to turn.
Which is slightly different from the guidance on filtering/undertaking smaller vehicles.
The infrastructure sucks, the fact that giant lorries are on the roads at rush hour sucks, but with the roads as they are right now - warning signs to take care are fine. -
• #660
*raises eyebrow
• #661
^^^Unless the tourist rode into the rough area of town on a bicycle, in which case he is blameless.
• #662
Not blameless. Unwise, ignorant and dead. But not to blame for the murder.
• #663
HGV drivers collide with bridges 2000 times a year. In pure financial terms it would make >more sense to have giant signs on bridges saying "Don't collide with me Mr Lorry Driver!"
You realise low bridges have warning signs, right?
• #664
Do bridges wear helmets though?
• #665
You've got a good point. Brought it on themselves, flagrantly spanning the middle of the road too.
• #666
There no 'Must' so its not mandatory and we all know that your average motor centric Judge will happily tell their motor centric jury to disregard the Highway code if it helps the defence of you averagely crappy motorist.
• #667
Calling the cyclists stupid seems to be blaming them. Ignorance is not the same as stupidity.
• #668
Isn't one way of removing that ignorance putting up big signs saying be careful of passing lorries on the inside?
• #669
No because the signs will encourage lorry drivers to drive more dangerously on purpose, so that when they kill someone they can say It's not my fault I have a sticker. All lorries should be banned, and all deliveries should be made by rickshaw.
• #670
jesus, you're such a fucking cock.
• #671
^ Srsly.
Go back and re-read your last four or five posts. You have been relentless in cockishness.
• #672
^ hey screw you man!
• #673
I didn't realise that everybody has had experience of getting hooked then the driver pointing to the sticker. That's not happened to me but I'm relatively inexperienced. I didn't realise they were being used that way, that stickers could be used to cover the back of a driver acting like a prick. I just see a great number of people (in my opinion dangerously) undertaking when a vehicle ahead of them is indicating left.
It seems like there are people arguing about two separate circumstances that have a similar outcome.
If you get hooked then the driver is a prick. If you see a car ahead of you indicating and you decide to pass rather than wait 3 seconds then you are the prick.
• #674
Dont talk about Jesus like that. He loves you.
• #675
Not you. Your cockishness requires no comment. It's like saying the sun is bright. Or Joe is old. It just is.
HGV drivers collide with bridges 2000 times a year. In pure financial terms it would make more sense to have giant signs on bridges saying "Don't collide with me Mr Lorry Driver!"
#it's all about safety