Testing the OM-D EM1's waterproof capabilities on Sunday, climbing Dreish with my dad and brother. This was my dads first Munro in 15 years since losing around 20kg!
Shame the lens I was using wasn't waterproof and also really struggling with water on the lens surface. Is there a hydrophobic coating I can apply to the front lens element?
Testing the OM-D EM1's waterproof capabilities on Sunday, climbing Dreish with my dad and brother. This was my dads first Munro in 15 years since losing around 20kg!
Shame the lens I was using wasn't waterproof and also really struggling with water on the lens surface. Is there a hydrophobic coating I can apply to the front lens element?
Hiking up Dreish, before the weather turned nasty. by Michael Rennie, on Flickr
Hiking down Dreish, after the weather turned nasty! by Michael Rennie, on Flickr
Also I was using this contraption, perfect for hillwalking or any other active sports when you want the camera accessible. I had it on my left shoulder strap and it worked a treat. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00SFFZOG2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00