• #10852
excellent expression capture
• #10853
Both very nice!
• #10854
Upload fail
• #10855
Only another cameraphone snap but quite fond of it.
• #10856
My mate Dennis.
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• #10857
Great portrait.
• #10858
Agreed, some nice street photography, izMota.
• #10859
Photo meme lolz.
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• #10860
Lolz. I spent a good 20 mins trying to explain to a relative who was using my X100 how to half-press. Almost killed him.
• #10861
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• #10862
• #10863
Really like the bottom one !^
• #10864
• #10865
Trying to find a replacement for my s90 is making my head hurt. I thought I was set on an rx100, ...but then the temptation of micro 4/3s cameras appeared,
...What's that? You can get APS-C sensors in a compact camera? (ricoh etc)All the while becoming less and less compact, and more expensive
And don't even get me started on this bloody thing...
• #10866
Love the look of the controls on the panasonic lx100, aperture ring, shutter speed/expsoure comp dials are awesome
• #10867
Both are pretty amazing. The Panasonic has the nifty ability of being able to use different aspect ratios without losing resolution. And it has an EVF, whereas the Sony is live-view only and had bad battery life as a result (plus having to power that huge sensor).
• #10868
Testing the OM-D EM1's waterproof capabilities on Sunday, climbing Dreish with my dad and brother. This was my dads first Munro in 15 years since losing around 20kg!
Shame the lens I was using wasn't waterproof and also really struggling with water on the lens surface. Is there a hydrophobic coating I can apply to the front lens element?
Hiking up Dreish, before the weather turned nasty. by Michael Rennie, on Flickr
Hiking down Dreish, after the weather turned nasty! by Michael Rennie, on Flickr
Also I was using this contraption, perfect for hillwalking or any other active sports when you want the camera accessible. I had it on my left shoulder strap and it worked a treat. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00SFFZOG2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00
• #10869
Looks like fun! The expression(?) on those dogs faces... "ffs".
• #10870
Just had a bit of a wtf moment.
This might not matter at all, but made me to a double take. Same picture on that light website as a cleaning company whos leaflet dropped through my door todayWould expect a company who's trying to showcase the abilities of their camera to use picture taken with the camera. I guess they just chose a stock image here?
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• #10871
Wow. That's worth sending to to the company and/or photo blogs. Someone isn't being honest...
• #10872
I love mine, it's AMAZING... they were (might still are) doing £200 cash back wich makes this camera aroud £350... half what I paid less than a year ago. Joy of fast changin technology.
The colour through the EVF is a little saturated but you get used to it.
If cash back is still on then this is a good buy, no doubt, althought a new one might be coming out soon... hence the big cash back?
• #10873
Fire, Manchester City Centre
1 Attachment
• #10874
1 Attachment
• #10875
Fire. Manchester City Centre
1 Attachment
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