If it was my (elderly) moped it would be sludge or rust particles in the float chamber causing the float to stick with resulting fuel starvation. It does it every now and then because the Amal in-line filter (alloy body, nylon mesh) looks the part but is little more than a strainer: something less period and more effective (with a transparent body and paper element) is needed at some point.
It might be just a blip but it's probably worth looking into - clean the outside of the carb first, have the jets out and remove the top of the float chamber - large particles making their way into the combustion chamber are a bad thing, so if you find anything at all it's definitely time to fit a (better) filter. Hot spots, pre-ignition, holed piston and broken rings are possibilities as well as a scored bore...
Was on my way to Gravesend today to see the Vulcan's final flypast when I had some bother.
Was going 50mph down the A2 when suddenly my engine bogged and I started engine-braking quite hard. I popped the clutch in and got over to the hard shoulder and there was a funny burning smell. Started back up but it wouldn't idle, just cut out after a few seconds.
I nearly had a heart attack when it first happened.
Eventually I limped it off the main road and let it cool down. Now, I'd run my tank almost empty just before, and I think some crud may have clogged a jet or something.
Once I got it going again it behaved itself and I felt like I'd dislodged whatever the culprit was. Missed the flypast but had a pootle around for the afternoon anyway.
Anything to worry about, or just a blip?