• #2
i'll have a look, i should have a couple. recorded from the radio and such.
• #3
i should add that you won't be able to get them back.
• #4
what's all this? mix tapes are personalized items you're lucky if you get one of for free. no one is going to give hundreds of cherished mix tapes to a complete stranger trust me on this one now that seven years have elapsed and don't try to tell me because i already know.
• #5
Why thank you for your considered post. Are you new here perchance?
• #6
Not sure if it helps but there's at least one cassette supplier in the UK who sells off "seconds" for use by artists/craftspeople etc. They won't be mixtapes but will probably be an interesting mix of colours and random music.
• #7
Ah man I went through a load of old stuff when moving house and binned a bunch. Stuff I recorded off the radio and odds and ends.
I only kept one which was from an ex who made one for me which really got me into industrial and the like.
• #8
industrial and the like.
never heard of 'em.....
does anyone have any old homemade mixtapes lying around? i'm looking for hundreds of them for a project i'm working on. if you've got a box of them (or only a few of them) and you're willing to donate them to me, please get in touch. it's better if, 1) you don't know what's on them, and 2) they don't have covers anymore, but i'll take whatever you're willing to give me.
*(if you give them to me, you won't get them back. but you'll have my undying love, as compensation)