Ha! I'm in charge of sending the knuckle slap emails when people go postal on their data usage, so in true dictator style I send the mail then chuckle to myself and unpause Netflix while tethered on my laptop downloading a 800mb driver update.
Trouble is I believe the phone signal is shit in The Lamb and I was going to take the laptop down there and "work from home" ..but it might just be easier to bring booze into work
Ha! I'm in charge of sending the knuckle slap emails when people go postal on their data usage, so in true dictator style I send the mail then chuckle to myself and unpause Netflix while tethered on my laptop downloading a 800mb driver update.
Trouble is I believe the phone signal is shit in The Lamb and I was going to take the laptop down there and "work from home" ..but it might just be easier to bring booze into work