I've been looking for a nice cross frame to build up for a while now, and since I've never built a bike from scratch I thought I'd give it a current project thread.
So I bought a van Tuyl Ti cross frame last week. It's painted and since I want that titanium look, I'm going to strip the paint and ask van Tuyl for some new downtube decals. Just bought some paint stripper and put some on the bb area to try it out.
As for the parts, I'm thinking of slowly getting a 1x11 group together, preferably sram force, but I guess I'll have to wait and see what I can come by relatively cheap. Since I bought it without a fork, I'm having to make decisions on that as well, which is kind of hard since I've never done a cross frame before. I have decided I want a straight fork, in carbon and after a first couple of searches I'm thinking of waiting until I can get an Easton EC90X somewhere second hand. If someone knows any forks of the same type, tips are very welcome, including where to look for them.
I've been looking for a nice cross frame to build up for a while now, and since I've never built a bike from scratch I thought I'd give it a current project thread.
So I bought a van Tuyl Ti cross frame last week. It's painted and since I want that titanium look, I'm going to strip the paint and ask van Tuyl for some new downtube decals. Just bought some paint stripper and put some on the bb area to try it out.
As for the parts, I'm thinking of slowly getting a 1x11 group together, preferably sram force, but I guess I'll have to wait and see what I can come by relatively cheap. Since I bought it without a fork, I'm having to make decisions on that as well, which is kind of hard since I've never done a cross frame before. I have decided I want a straight fork, in carbon and after a first couple of searches I'm thinking of waiting until I can get an Easton EC90X somewhere second hand. If someone knows any forks of the same type, tips are very welcome, including where to look for them.
Anyhow, a pic of the frame now:
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