Oh I see. Thanks for this. So it's all about the controls. I played around with the positions a bit and managed to get the distance a bit over the required 200km. The only reason I chose this route was that it was a listed perm and as such I assumed it would be the pre-validated so to speak. It's around 43km to Tonbridge from my house so I'm thinking that I might as well start and finish there if I'm only doing this for myself.
Now the only other question that remains is about the process: when I submit my application I have to submit a list of controls but also a ride date; does that mean my ride will be validated both in terms of distance and completion? Now that I'm clear about the creation of the route this is what I'm confused about now.
It would make sense (to me at least) to get the route validated before actually riding it but then if it's possible to submit the entry the day before the ride then that wouldn't be the case.
Oh I see. Thanks for this. So it's all about the controls. I played around with the positions a bit and managed to get the distance a bit over the required 200km. The only reason I chose this route was that it was a listed perm and as such I assumed it would be the pre-validated so to speak. It's around 43km to Tonbridge from my house so I'm thinking that I might as well start and finish there if I'm only doing this for myself.
Now the only other question that remains is about the process: when I submit my application I have to submit a list of controls but also a ride date; does that mean my ride will be validated both in terms of distance and completion? Now that I'm clear about the creation of the route this is what I'm confused about now.
It would make sense (to me at least) to get the route validated before actually riding it but then if it's possible to submit the entry the day before the ride then that wouldn't be the case.