I don't know if that's actually even OK, that sign out the front of hhv is quite clear about no photography without permission ha, I don't want to get anyone caught in the frame that doesn't want to be there.
Also, I remember something about... insert #csb working on a film once and having to run around getting the public to sign release forms
Depends how srsbsns you intend it to be, I guess, it was a large indie company for an international release, so getting people to sign release forms might not apply here.
Do you two mind if I try out some dodgy HTC filming of you? I don't know if that's actually even OK, that sign out the front of hhv is quite clear about no photography without permission ha, I don't want to get anyone caught in the frame that doesn't want to be there. Maybe I'll try and just catch you as you go past me!