Yesterday night I got knocked off my bike quite badly - summer sault to face plant apparently - but anyway long story short, I'm fine but the bike is not. Was a vintage steel frame and the downtube and Toptube have completely buckled, so now they look like bent straws, so now I'm without a bike 😔 as its urgent just to get back on the road I won't be specific with sizes but to give you an idea, I was riding 50cm seat tube and 53 tt, so ideally sizes around there, give or take a little bit. Also preferably cheap!
Yesterday night I got knocked off my bike quite badly - summer sault to face plant apparently - but anyway long story short, I'm fine but the bike is not. Was a vintage steel frame and the downtube and Toptube have completely buckled, so now they look like bent straws, so now I'm without a bike 😔 as its urgent just to get back on the road I won't be specific with sizes but to give you an idea, I was riding 50cm seat tube and 53 tt, so ideally sizes around there, give or take a little bit. Also preferably cheap!