These are about 10 years old, the Commando soles on these were fncked, so I tore off the heel then soles, then unpicked the stitching, re-grooved the middle sole so the stitching is flat, re-stictched the welt to middle sole in red.
ordered some Dr.sole wedges, then got a local cobbler to fit and asked for a raw edge on the side for a bit of contrast.
These are about 10 years old, the Commando soles on these were fncked, so I tore off the heel then soles, then unpicked the stitching, re-grooved the middle sole so the stitching is flat, re-stictched the welt to middle sole in red.
ordered some Dr.sole wedges, then got a local cobbler to fit and asked for a raw edge on the side for a bit of contrast.
Damn comfy now.