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  • although someone still needs to convince me that road cycling is actually enjoyable and not boring as shit most of the time

  • I can definitely accept that challenge. I've had fun on the road which gave me cramps in the cheeks even.

    On the very same page re: short skate-like video with good soundtrack and no/very few worded interventions.
    This gonna be good.

    I'm shit at music (unless you like They Might Be Giants), so I'll leave that to more experienced people.

    But visually speaking,
    I'm thinking a series of short cuts of all sorts of actions in all sorts of locations.
    Showcasing both day/night and city/countryside.
    Covering all sorts of disciplines and featuring individuals as well as groups.
    Races, training, poodles, touring, pizza eating, lycra, jorts, cleats and straps, adventuring

    And hopefully someone passing through the screen on their Brompton with a big smile on their face as a calm cut before the tempo picks up again in a super intense way.

    Trying to dig out some reference videos in the next few days.

    Who's got a drone, a gopro and a dencent video camera ?
    We're going to need biscuits too. And beer.

  • I've got a contour (similar to go pro)

    there's a lot of kinds of road cycling.. and I definitely like the going places kind of road riding.. maybe less the epic suffering kind .. though that might make better visuals =P

    Definitely the Brompton.. and poodles.. and cake and biscuits and beer


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