I started to lust on it at 10, at 12 I got it with a friend of mine, he was 13. We paid 50/50 and we alternate the riding one day each. Our parents did'n want to buy this kind of danger, so we make and stole money where we can and we bought a second hand one, when some of our parents see us and ask what's that? The answer was: it's not mine, he's the owner!
I started to lust on it at 10, at 12 I got it with a friend of mine, he was 13. We paid 50/50 and we alternate the riding one day each. Our parents did'n want to buy this kind of danger, so we make and stole money where we can and we bought a second hand one, when some of our parents see us and ask what's that? The answer was: it's not mine, he's the owner!