It's not just the threading of the DS that is different, the shell is wider (70mm vs 68mm) and of a greater diameter (36mm vs 34.8/9mm).
Facing the shell down is straight forward enough, but reducing the diameter less so.
A threadless BB is just as likely to be troublesome as an Italian one.
What are you trying to achieve with a conversion? All that an Italian BB needs is some Loctite 22 on the DS threads to stop it coming unscrewed.
Looking for options to transform an Italian threaded bb on my Daccordi (Columbus SLX frame) project to British bb. It isn't damaged, so no repair needed.
I've had a quick browse of old threads and I see (Oak?) provide special cups once you've bored out the inner bb shell. I've also seen people mention Velo Orange threadless bb that expands, but I've no experience of either.
Would love to hear anyone's experiences with this because I'm at a loss and the lbs I took it to said it couldn't be done after much head scratching.