I've decided it's finally time to clear out some of the crap I've got lying around. I'm in NW1 near Warren St. during the day, N8 evenings and weekends. Can post stuff if needs be for whatever the cost of postage is.
First up, unused Garmin heartrate monitor and cadence/speed sensor. Came bundled with an 800 but I already had them.
Heartrate monitor is the premium soft strap version - £20
Cadence monitor (GSC 10) - £20
Chromecast and tablet came bundled with a laptop but I already have a chromecast and don't really use tablets. Both are unopened in their boxes.
A couple of portable speakers (I own far too many of these). Both used but in great condition.
Minirig - excellent portable speaker, very well reviewed and sounds great for the size with a very long lasting battery. This is the wired version NOT bluetooth which I don't think you can get anymore. Comes with case, charging cable and 3.5mm input cable - £65
(Will add a picture of this later)
Bose colour soundlink - one of these in black http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bose-SoundLink-Colour-Bluetooth-Speaker/dp/B00M96E0EA Again, very well reviewed with decent sound. I haven't had it long and still have the box, etc (Minirig released a bluetooth speaker not long after which I moved on to.) - £85
(Will add a picture of this later)
I've decided it's finally time to clear out some of the crap I've got lying around. I'm in NW1 near Warren St. during the day, N8 evenings and weekends. Can post stuff if needs be for whatever the cost of postage is.
First up, unused Garmin heartrate monitor and cadence/speed sensor. Came bundled with an 800 but I already had them.
Heartrate monitor is the premium soft strap version - £20
Cadence monitor (GSC 10) - £20
Chromecast and tablet came bundled with a laptop but I already have a chromecast and don't really use tablets. Both are unopened in their boxes.
Chromecast - £20
Tablet is Asus ZenPad Z170C. 7" screen, runs android with lollipop but I don't know much more about it. Appears to be this one http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/computing/tablets-and-ereaders/tablets/asus-zenpad-z170c-7-tablet-16-gb-black-10133433-pdt.html - £60
(Will add a picture of this later)
A couple of portable speakers (I own far too many of these). Both used but in great condition.
Minirig - excellent portable speaker, very well reviewed and sounds great for the size with a very long lasting battery. This is the wired version NOT bluetooth which I don't think you can get anymore. Comes with case, charging cable and 3.5mm input cable - £65
(Will add a picture of this later)
Bose colour soundlink - one of these in black http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bose-SoundLink-Colour-Bluetooth-Speaker/dp/B00M96E0EA Again, very well reviewed with decent sound. I haven't had it long and still have the box, etc (Minirig released a bluetooth speaker not long after which I moved on to.) - £85
(Will add a picture of this later)
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