Fair enough. That wasn't phrased well and not thought out. I mean I am looking for an adjustable wrench to cover the usual range used for bikes, plus the most common bits, for more around the 50-60 quid mark than 90-100. But I suppose, for a calibrated bit of kit, it's a case of buy cheap, buy twice.
Oh, and are any or the the preset torque wrenches worth a look?
more around the 50-60 quid mark than 90-100
If £50 price difference is a deal breaker, I refer you back to my original comment. You're buying something which should last a home mechanic a decade or more, and if you're any kind of a bike nut that means thousands of pounds worth of parts, not to mention your face, will depend on important threaded joints both not snapping and not loosening in service. Don't nickel-and-dime the issue now.
Define 'earth'. If you can't afford good tools, make some savings on your bicycles until you can.