• #227
lol. Even the Times reporter has to specify that it's an actual fire, not just a metaphorical one.
• #228
Wouldn't be more correct to say: Labour HQ is on fire not only metaphorically?
• #229
Hopefully the flames are red not blue (blue is hotter, therefore worse).
• #230
^Thanks for breaking that down for us, we wouldn't have got it otherwise.
• #231
Is losing the new winning?
http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2015/09/12/the-newest-trend-in-politics-losing-to-win/I do hope so. Lots of Blairites have been running around going OH MY GOD HE'S GOING TO DESTROY THE LABOUR PARTY but they don't get it: that's what it needs. Corbyn will never be PM, yes, but the party needs to be destroyed to be rebuilt. It needs to rise out of its own remains like the proverbial phoenix. Corbyn could create the conditions to let new and emerging talent within the party finally have a go at the wheel now all of the old Blairite wooden spoons* will finally move out of the way and let someone else have a go.
The "they'll be unelectable for a decade" bollocks is so tiring. Yes, that's right, because you all saw the SNP post-referendum bounce coming didn't you, and Corbyn getting elected by a massive landslide.
Welcome to the new politics: nobody knows what the fuck might happen next and it's actually quite exciting!
I am also quite excited about Cameron trying his yah-boo-sucks-public-school-debating approach on Corbyn then panicking as he realises it won't work because he doesn't actually give a shit, won't rise to the bait and isn't another career politician who will react in exactly the way he expects.
Actually I'm very excited about that bit.
*Stewart Lee back in August:
Meanwhile, the centre-right squabble about whether to allow leftwing people to vote for an old leftwing man to lead an old leftwing party, or whether to allow it to be led by one of three wooden spoons with faces drawn on them that, if viewed from a certain angle, might look reassuringly like some of the people that are already in power.
• #232
No problem. Any time.
• #233
Good interview with John McDonnell on C4 news just now.
• #234
I agree with everything in this post very much. To the extent that I think I'll just let Fox post on my behalf from now on.
• #235
I too agree with that post, but
Corbyn will never be PM
will see! 5 years it's a long time and plenty can happen.. and so will see..
And if it's not him but one of his school, maybe younger with even more energy.. then better.
• #237
A friend just made the point that maybe an SNP/Labour coalition is more likely than it once was. Which makes me wonder if the renewed talk of a referendum is a negotiating opener.
• #238
Can't embed for some reason. This is some insidious shit.
• #239
The Tories and their... security blanket?
• #240
The "they'll be unelectable for a decade" bollocks is so tiring. Yes, that's right, because you all saw the SNP post-referendum bounce coming didn't you, and Corbyn getting elected by a massive landslide.
I think that they keep saying it in the hope that one day they'll be proven right. After all, this line was trotted out about five years ago about whoever inherited the post-Brown economic shithole.
I say a bit from an American paper about how Corbyn is basically going to shit his shorts over taking the oath of the Privy Council in front of the Queen because the experience allegedly terrifies all the Tory old boys. I suspect of all the people who have taken that oath he's going to be one of the least fazed by it. Not because he possesses some unbreakable strength of character but because he has already repeatedly demonstrated his lack of concern about appearances and getting that sort of thing spot on right.
Mind you, I did appreciate the irony of an American journalist backing royalists over republicans.
• #241
I'm friends with a true-blue tory on Facebook (he used to be my landlord, naturellement), and he's been very busy posting anti-Corbyn stuff lately. I just cast my eyes over his latest, (Corbyn mildly batting away some posturing from Simon Danczuk over the colour of poppy he's going to wear on Remembrance Day), and somebody in the comments said, "Yes, poor little Corbyn, pilloried by the media. He should NOT be hounded for all the disgraceful, stupid, anti-British things he's done! In fact, he should quietly be applauded for some reason."
I've been giggling like a loon at it for about an hour now. These poor, angry, patriotic conservatives. Horrible Jeremy Corbyn and his horrible unbritishness!
• #242
what an absolute looney!
• #243
The election of Jeremy Corbin probably means Tory dominance until 2025. Think what this means .
• #244
That Corbin fella... thread
• #245
The election of Jeremy Corbin probably means Tory dominance until 2025. Think what this means .
I don't know who this Jeremy Corbin chap is, is he a Tory?
Seriously though did you even read the last page? In the old world of politics that would probably have been the case. Now, who knows.
• #246
The election of Jeremy Corbin probably means Tory dominance until 2025. Think what this means .
That's based on your own primary research, what happened over thirty years ago, or what you've heard repeated again and again in the media?
Labour was in a very precarious electoral position before Corbyn was made leader. An almost insurmountable deficit of votes thanks to Scotland and the soon to be redrawn electoral borders. Not to mention Ukip and the Green party winning previous Labour votes. To simply keep repeating that Corbyn will make Labour a pariah party isn't particularly insightful, original, or helpful.
It's five years away and he may very well be ousted before then. But I don't see how his leadership has put the party in a position so radically different than it was in before.
• #247
It means you don't really understand the current political landscape.
• #248
Chris Mullin on Corbyn's first 100 days as PM.
http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/sep/14/prime-minister-jeremy-corbyn-the-first-100-days -
• #249
Jeremy, John & Co., what is needed now and for a good while is chaos, noise and fear, keep going.
Daily Mail already pinning blame on Corbyn.