One technique used in Personal Construct Psychology to gauge the way an individuals view (construing) in an particular area is to ask them to write a self characterisation in the third person which is often quite revealing of their core constructs.
If you'd like to have a go at this it would be really helpful for this paper. I did this and what came out surprised me...
He felt he owned the road on his bicycle, that he had an equal if not more right to space on the streets since his transport choice was benign, good for him, good for everyone. he shunned driving, finally giving up driving for good, not wishing to use a machine that can harm the earth and people on the earth. He was moved to tears whenever he heard that another person has been injured or killed by someone in a car, was livid when drivers got away with murder if committed from behind a wheel, was angry every time a person in a car was hostile, used their horn to intimidate him, or was sloppy, careless, he hated motorists feeble excuse 'sorry mate I didn't see you', those drivers not intending to harm yet not being responsible operating a machine that can cause such violence, not being extra careful vexed him. He dreamt of the banning of seatbelts in favor of a spike that came out of the steering wheel as a way to get drivers to take care. He knew that people benefit when other people cycled, so he encouraged others to cycle. He believed that people who drive could not wish other to engage in their nasty habit and construed driving and drivers as immoral and selfish. (Though he was aware that some people genuinely needed to drive for the quality of their lives. His Mother suffered from MS and had much more independence thanks to being able to get around in a car).
One technique used in Personal Construct Psychology to gauge the way an individuals view (construing) in an particular area is to ask them to write a self characterisation in the third person which is often quite revealing of their core constructs.
If you'd like to have a go at this it would be really helpful for this paper. I did this and what came out surprised me...