It's a gps tracker for your cat. When the cat is out of the house it sends back GPS co-ords every 10 minutes (or bigger intervals if you want) When it gets back to the house - it recognises it's home when it can connect to your home wifi - it then goes to sleep until the cat goes out of range again.
You can replay where the cat has been over any period of time and also set a boundary, if the cat goes past the boundary line, you get emailed.
Here's a short vid I made of yesterday afternoon's traces.
It's a gps tracker for your cat. When the cat is out of the house it sends back GPS co-ords every 10 minutes (or bigger intervals if you want) When it gets back to the house - it recognises it's home when it can connect to your home wifi - it then goes to sleep until the cat goes out of range again.
You can replay where the cat has been over any period of time and also set a boundary, if the cat goes past the boundary line, you get emailed.
Here's a short vid I made of yesterday afternoon's traces.
More details at