Some nice stuff arrived, I'm awaiting a cone and locknut to get the rear hub running smooth, but it's the freehub that excites the most it has one get out of trouble cog of 21t giving 54" .
I think I'll set up the bars tomorrow with a ludicrous 130mm stem.
The bar-end leavers donot fit but I imagine to use the triomphe mounted lower on the bars with the cable having a small loop over to the routeing hole
It is still very 'I hope it works' and I would like to upgrade the calipers but for now it's pretty much on hold and I'm hiding from the finishing cost.
-will post the bars setup with fixedwheel-
Some nice stuff arrived, I'm awaiting a cone and locknut to get the rear hub running smooth, but it's the freehub that excites the most it has one get out of trouble cog of 21t giving 54" .
I think I'll set up the bars tomorrow with a ludicrous 130mm stem.
The bar-end leavers donot fit but I imagine to use the triomphe mounted lower on the bars with the cable having a small loop over to the routeing hole
It is still very 'I hope it works' and I would like to upgrade the calipers but for now it's pretty much on hold and I'm hiding from the finishing cost.
-will post the bars setup with fixedwheel-