But of course there are even more people who did not vote at all. It may just be that a significant number of them want something other than the various shades of neoliberal that have been on offer, and they might just be persuaded to vote for a Corbyn govt. Even my dad, who is an 80 odd year old working class tory voter has been impressed by him because 'he seems to have integrity'.
Sadly Corbyn will make labour a party of protest, not government, as illustrated by the comments on this thread from his supporters saying they don't care if he can't get elected. Personally I find the idea of another ten years of tory government a bit depressing. We have an ageing population, the grey vote is the vote that counts, so however many exited young metropolitan people, green party supporters, Islington socialists and even a few Ukippers vote labour, it's not going to win back middle England and the working class.