• #71927
Tandem forumengers on Sky News talking about lorry rules - @tricitybendix ?
• #71928
Saw two very 'on here' looking ladies on some rather nice track bikes weaving their way through the Old St road works in the direction of Commercial St on the way home this evening. One bike looked like a Lavoro, the other was bright pink...
• #71929
Not wearing a helmet, the Twitter uproar tells me. But good on the lorry driver for wearing hi-vis.
• #71932
Yep with me. You were on a Brompton/folder going clockwise.
• #71933
Yup, on my way home. Need to rebuild the Surly so the Brommie is my main commuter bike atm.
• #71934
last night about 6ish, some lad on a green Dave Marsh(?) lo-pro, deep carbon front and back - going along old street toward old street round about...
If you're on here - I want your frame and will pay anything!
• #71935
@Paramounted driveby on camberwell new road, no skid but good level of bants. with bars that wide you need a Mr Plow jacket my friend
• #71937
Hi Blowfish yep! Good to see you.
• #71938
Would like to see these tweets!
• #71939
Someone on a nice green BMC and a bloke on gears coming up the flyover on Old Kent Road, skid denied sorry! Late for dinner so was in a rush
• #71940
was it a kind of metallic turquoise green?
• #71941
also Ludwig on the cycle route somewhere between Angel and Holborn. Must apologise again for not slowing to chat.. was late for a meeting..
• #71943
Hello, busy London. I had all the time in the world. Anybody who does not want to hear it gets the story how Paris Brest Paris is more then 1200km smack of cycling and how I now suffer from withdrawal ;-)
• #71945
In Bristol by a castle? Dude literally das right at me! Pretty sure I've met u in London! Was sight seeing, pretty place!
• #71946
Darren, right? On the blue Planet X? That was me if so, was a bit dumbfounded to see you in B-town. Would have stopped but was working innit.
• #71947
Hi yeah! Was on my dos, good to see ya!
• #71948
Oh shit, yeah clearly dumfounded then. Yeah man; you still around or headed back to LDN?
• #71949
• #71950
grey brooklyn, backpack, blonde hair from clerkenwell to aldgate? is it a gangsta? looks really nice but why freewheel + only front brake???
I got a tiny glimpse of what it's like to be famous when walking to the shop yesterday in the rain when a total stranger walking the other way stopped and said "Hey, you're Scoot aren't you!"
It was the forum's famous @WillMelling! Pleasure to put a face to a name after all these years. Hopefully next time we meet the weather will be nicer.