Owning your own home

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  • It's a lot harder to get permission to change an A1 space into a bar, not because of planning permission but because of licensing. Local authorities are generally very unlikely to grant new licences, especially for an A1 space. It depends what's around it, but if it's in a street full of bars the LA will say there's enough, if if there aren't any bars then they'll listen to any objections about a new bar in a residential/shopping area. Generally proposals for new licences are turned down because all the local residents object.

    Turning an A1 space into a chippy should in theory be easy, because it's covered by permitted development, but in reality local authorities make people apply for planning permission, at which point you could object, and your objection would be taken seriously if you lived on top of it. However, arguing "When we bought the flat it was A1" wouldn't cut it as it's a legitimate change of use.

    That said, I'm aware of a fairly high profile example at the moment on Chatsworth Road where a cafe is trying to get a change of use to a restaurant and an objection to the change of use by the tenant living behind is one of the things that's holding it up.

    Something like the 5am greengrocer example wouldn't require a change of use and is a good example of why personally I wouldn't buy above a shop. There are a lot of risks you can't control.

  • Do you need permission from the freeholder to extend the height of a chimney lintel? It would be nice if we had somewhere to put the cooker...

  • Depends on the terms your lease, but it would be extremely unusual if you didn't.

  • Just handed back the keys for the rented place. Touch wood the last rental I'll have.

  • Also bear in mind that it can be harder to get a mortgage on a property over commercial premesis

  • Central heating went back on last night as the inside temp dropped below 20 for the first time since April.

  • Any idea how much it costs to install new DG sash winders then?
    I've got a bay window downstairs and two normal terraced sized windows upstairs. Currently UPVC of the cheap and ugly variety.

  • Re: sash windows, we had our 12 large (2+m high, various widths) windows fully refurbished inc routing for draft strips, new beading, new pulleys, cords, twist locks, brass handles, sash stops, some new panes, some new weights, and two new sills done for about £8k inc painting. So, under £700 per window. Absolutely worth it; they are by no means perfect but 100x better than they were. We did enquire about new DG units to replace but was going to be at least double that. @Airhead is right: get the existing fixed and spend the savings on thermal-lined, floor length curtains. As it is difficult to improve heat loss through the walls in Victorian houses - not to mention the hard-to-fill gaps everywhere from the front door to the floorboards, if you have them - DG windows are a bit of a nonsense IMO. Get used to wearing slippers and an extra layer, and prepare for massive heating bills! For restoration in SE London, give Dom a call: http://www.drkdecorating.co.uk/

    That said, if I get my way our next home will be a hermetically-sealed passivhous.

  • Mortgage agreed in principle, 2.57% fixed for 5 years, sounds about right?!

    Have sorted buildings insurance and wills, now need a life (insurer). Any old google hit?

  • When's Inchpincher's Vespa Workshop up and running then?

  • Ha, one thing at a time, let me get the keys first!

  • Pull your finger out.


  • I'm paying roughly £900 per window from London Sash Window company, that's upvc though. I've never put wooden DG sash windows into a property so I'm not sure of the cost, but I'm sure it's in the same ballpark.

  • How much does your pension and or employer cover you in the event of death?

  • Hate double glazing and love real grass. Think that's me caught up.

  • Speaking of wood floors, amazed at how good Bona floor polish is, wet look city

  • Been up since 5 to put another coat on the bedroom ceilings before work.
    Still sleeping in a tent in the backyard.

    Knackered doesn't come close...

  • That sounds awful.

    Getting the place liveable is far more stressful than actually buying it. I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed by all the work we need to do and keeping an eye on costs.

  • This is why when you have the majority of it done you tend to leave it- summoning the Dust Demon to flood your entire flat again really had no appeal.

    I will probably cheque book the utility room/third bedroom because of this.

  • You get used to it, and get far quicker at doing it too.

  • Your lass is up the duff - amirite? You don't know tired yet, son...

  • She is totally cheggers, yes.
    Hence the speed of trying to get it sorted...

    She is being very very good humoured with the camping situ, and doing her share of the graft. Gawd bless her.

    But yes... I can only imagine that the tiredness will pale in comparison.

  • sold me on both.../ cant wait.

  • preggers and camping, shes my fking hero.

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Owning your own home

Posted by Avatar for Hobo @Hobo
