Ok, I sat through terminator genysis and heres the thing it deftly removes not only the dire sequels from the continuity but also references the good t1 and t2. It nicely sets up for a new trilogy, which I think I remember reading was the plan, by leaving gaping unanswered plot holes which clearly will be addressed further down the line. It introduces a younger cast and nicely deals with technological developments since the 80s/90s. Arnie was entertaining and at least referenced his decent into fossilization. All told I thoroughly enjoyed it. You need to accept its a partial reboot and a solid no brain action movie. At which point the film is decent.
Ok, I sat through terminator genysis and heres the thing it deftly removes not only the dire sequels from the continuity but also references the good t1 and t2. It nicely sets up for a new trilogy, which I think I remember reading was the plan, by leaving gaping unanswered plot holes which clearly will be addressed further down the line. It introduces a younger cast and nicely deals with technological developments since the 80s/90s. Arnie was entertaining and at least referenced his decent into fossilization. All told I thoroughly enjoyed it. You need to accept its a partial reboot and a solid no brain action movie. At which point the film is decent.