• #2327
Almost done It's Always Sunny. There's going to be a hole in my life. What do I fill it with?
• #2328
i watched a few of those on an aeroplane. i shall now watch the rest.
• #2329
The Bridge - amazing Danish crime drama.
• #2330
^ yes Season 3 starts soon
• #2331
The Edinburgh RMT - what a visual spectacle ;)
• #2332
Black Sails - pirates and wenches, a Spartacus of the high seas. It's strangely addictive
• #2333
I like that.
• #2334
Just started that, already hooked
• #2335
Not the movie but the series.
Great Modern Italian mafia drama. -
• #2336
Dusk til Dawn tv series is back for series 2, is still completely batshit plotwise but seems to be moving at a better pace than series 1. now the vampire shit is fully out of the bag they're a bit more let's just get the fuck on with things I think.
not sure why netflix insist on a weekly release schedule though. bingewatch ftw.
• #2337
Parks & Recreation is over.
Community. I think I can get into this.
• #2338
Community is great.
• #2339
I like Community, has anyone caught The Brink?
• #2340
The latest episode of Rick & Morty is tremendous. So dark.
Bojack Horseman's been renewed for a 3rd season, woop woop.
• #2341
First two episodes of narcos have been good, I really fancy some cocaine though.
• #2342
Up to episode 8 of Narcos and it keeps up a high level so far.
• #2343
Anyone watched any 'Hand Of God' on Prime? Quiet enjoying it mainly due to Ron Perlman.
• #2344
Someone mentioned The Brink so I downloaded it. I'm enjoying it. Jack Black brings it down a bit, but not so much it's not enjoyable. Tim Robbins is great.
• #2345
Rick & Morty.
So good. Series 2 is delivering well so far.
• #2346
I like how it makes you think, but, unlike South Park, doesn't bludgeon you over the head with what it wants you to think about.
• #2347
Trufax. And how showing what we traditionally think is the morally correct thing to do, often makes things worse than following logic.
• #2348
Just finished watching The West Wing again, right from the start. It's still bloody good.
• #2349
I'm doing my best to like Mr Robot, but it isn't easy. I can't seem to care what happens to any of these people.
• #2350
snap. it's like watching the first hour of the first matrix fillum before it gets interesting.
had occasion to re-watch League of Gentleman with first timers & septics Mrs Hell + chum. it travels well.