I've got plenty more to add to what I've relayed to Dammit, the short version is that the Volvo is amazing, nobody expects the Volvo, and I mean NOBODY, and I want to keep the Volvo.
Man in a brand new Golf GTI slowed down at the top of a big hill in the Vosges after I despatched him on the uphill to give me a thumbs up and a big grin, and a couple of bikers waved me through on a tight and twisty forest road after I caught them up unintentionally. Basically it's really easy to drive "quite quickly" without even trying.
I've got plenty more to add to what I've relayed to Dammit, the short version is that the Volvo is amazing, nobody expects the Volvo, and I mean NOBODY, and I want to keep the Volvo.
Man in a brand new Golf GTI slowed down at the top of a big hill in the Vosges after I despatched him on the uphill to give me a thumbs up and a big grin, and a couple of bikers waved me through on a tight and twisty forest road after I caught them up unintentionally. Basically it's really easy to drive "quite quickly" without even trying.