If you use a Mac, you can use Automator to set a simple script to batch rename anything. It's been a long while since I used it so I can't remember how to do it, but it works very well and fast once you have had the script set up. Here is a couple of links, worth a read.
Or as suggested, you can use Lightroom to export your files, but as the function suggests, you are exporting rather than simple remaning, so my guess is it would take a fair bit longer if you are renaming a lot of pics, esp you are talking about exporting to its original format / size, which could be large depends on what camera(s) you use.
I'm looking for a program to assist me with batch renaming my photos.
I'd like to combine the photo number (so currently DSC_XXXX.nef) with the date/time taken that is in the EXIF data, to give a filename of something like YYYY-MM-DD_HHMMSS_XXXX.nef
Does anyone have any recommendations?