I swim in the jubilee(Thames flood relief between Maidenhead and Eton which is not navigable by boat but is the same water) and what I've noticed is that as I've got better at swimming over the last three years I've sick less as I'm breathing more and swallowing less but people tend to get sick after heavy rain than when it hasn't for a few days.
I swim in the jubilee(Thames flood relief between Maidenhead and Eton which is not navigable by boat but is the same water) and what I've noticed is that as I've got better at swimming over the last three years I've sick less as I'm breathing more and swallowing less but people tend to get sick after heavy rain than when it hasn't for a few days.
I wouldn't swim round here in the Thames unsupervised as it's very busy with pleasure craft and rowers but people I know who swim in the Thames have those buoys they pull behind them that are brilliant as you can out phones and car keys in them and they make you much more visible (you can rest on them if need be too) http://www.swiminn.com/swimming/zone3-neon-swimming-dry-bag-buoy-28-l/1255405/p?utm_source=google_products&utm_medium=merchant&id_producte=1403274&country=uk&gclid=CjwKEAjwjYCvBRC99sSm_frioAwSJACrKuPCCzVLGrpNvXCbfC_dlBTj1PZ5Yku1MLlryCjgqb6qixoC4Ibw_wcB