• I wish we'd stop giving each other grief over this, I think (hope) we all agree that nothing she could possibly have done would deserve his repulsively disproportionate violence to someone unable to defend themselves, regardless of their gender. It's not even relevant that the victim was on a bike, his response would be as sickening if they were another pedestrian.

    I don't think anyone can be 100% certain from the clip, but I don't think either of them rode/walked into the other.

    A couple of pages back I suggested a scenario which might have stopped it happening, a dab on the brakes followed by 'after you', but what if her bike handling wasn't up to it? Even if she is a brilliant bike handler who arrogantly rode across the front of him, giving him the finger and a mouthful of abuse, that would never justify his response. We are firmly in 'The Accused' territory here.....

    I've never met Ordinata (Odonata, surely?) and can't speak for him, but I hope he wouldn't disagree.
