Nurse Holiday has borrowed my Volvo to drive around France, it's been a bit variable - the cutting out issue has reared it's head once more, but we think we might have a handle on that (I accuse the air conditioning, in the study, with the candle-stick), but with the air con turned off the power is "hilarious".
My AC compressor is eating its central bearings (not the output bearing) so it does work but sucks down 15-20mpg at 60 mph (when clutch engaged), needless to say, its sucking down some power/torque!
Nurse Holiday has borrowed my Volvo to drive around France, it's been a bit variable - the cutting out issue has reared it's head once more, but we think we might have a handle on that (I accuse the air conditioning, in the study, with the candle-stick), but with the air con turned off the power is "hilarious".
Here it is at Reims: