You're being silly.
1: Of course it does, but it's a pretty good way of measuring access to culture.
2: I actually don't understand what "traditional post-racist vote" means, but I said "xenophobic" and I think the United Kingdom Independence Party with its platform aiming to stop immigration and leave the European Union is, in fact, a pretty good analogue of xenophobia.
That being said, I'm happy to read what you think is a better way of measuring both claims. But I stand by my earlier statement that you're being silly to argue that there's equal or less culture and xenophobia in London when compared to the rest of England.
Let's remember where my post came from: your response to Damo suggesting that despair/depression came from living London, or at least a solution to it was to leave. I've not posted simply to attack the rest of England. I have nothing against the rest of England. My point is that it's hardly paradise in comparison to London.
1: culture exists outside arts centres.
2: poor analogue, ukip have been reaching a lot of people beyond the traditional posh-racist vote.