So I had a weird puncture yesterday - a rougly 5mm gauge broken screw, yes a screw, went straight into the back wheel, as a result the trye now has a sort of a hole through all the layers. The trye is only about 5 months old so I would really rather not buy a trye yet, if I pump some strong glue into the hole from the inside, could I get away with using the trye for a bit longer?
So I had a weird puncture yesterday - a rougly 5mm gauge broken screw, yes a screw, went straight into the back wheel, as a result the trye now has a sort of a hole through all the layers. The trye is only about 5 months old so I would really rather not buy a trye yet, if I pump some strong glue into the hole from the inside, could I get away with using the trye for a bit longer?