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Lovely stuff. I did my own ride to Whitstable a couple of weeks back on a glorious sunny day.
A bit disappointed my route didn't take me past a submarine though! I'll have to amend it for next time. Where abouts is it?
"Tell us about your extended-weekend ride"... OK then, seeing as I'm on hols I went out for a nice ride from Dirtfud to Whitstabubbles. Mostly along NCR1 with few little tweaks here and there to keep me close to the river and good views etc etc etc.
"Yus mate, straight down that path, keep going then turn left just past the Ruskie Submarine". You don't route instructions like that everyday do you?
NCR1 gets a little ruffty tuffty in places but lest us not forget we ARE in the Garden of Ingerlunds...
Nom Noms....
Then out across the main drag to Sheppey (not named after the Blue Peter dog) with the curvaceous bridge in the background...
NCR1 then takes you through some 'urban riverside parks' with strange statements on sticks rising out of the water....
...I agree, Concrete does work best for Skatepark surfaces.
...agreed again, for a house building material I like bricks too.
Its a strange characteristic of this route that whilst you're in a built up area like Kemesley/Sittingbourne the signage just seems to disappear whilst out in the bum-end of nowhere you get a ruddy great pole to remind what route yer on!
Oare Creek IIRC, off road but do-able even riding 25c at 100PSI and SS, if you listen carefully to that picture you hear Banjo's being played odd looking yoots sitting in trees.
Back in land a bit and there's field after field of fruit tree's. Having a keen I for tree's I can inform the readership that this is 'male' tree as you can clearly see it's luv-sacks...
"Fields of Gold bruv"...
Then slowly coming back in land we hit Faversham, nice innits.
...which is home of...
Action shot...This is how I roll...
Then a few more miles down the route and we come out Thameside again to Seasalter, home of the infamous sinking rock festival in the 70's...
Whitstable looms closer in the distance, onwards man, don't give up now...
Whahey! Whitstabubbles, we've arrived.
...but I'm a veggie and the smell of fishy bits (stoppit!) makes me ride a bit further out the other end of town to...
...lovely Tankerton, which is quiet and doesn't smell o' fish. Also it has this nice place...
.... to buy this brown liquid...
...thats made up the road which makes me feel giggly and nice and also aids recovery after ~60miles of variable riding surfaces. Proper good fun though.
Sleeps soundly.
The end.