I'd like to enter some TT events, is http://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/ the best place to look? Is anyone allowed to enter the events on the website? I find it a little confusing/daunting.
I am a BC (Gold) member but not affiliated with any club. I noticed someone mentioned the Team VeloVelocity E2/25 event on the 5th September, I'm going to try entering that on the website.
Is anyone allowed to enter the events on the website?
You need to be a member of a CTT affiliated club to ride CTT events, with few exceptions. You probably won't get a ride on the E2 without a pretty good qualifying time from a previous event.
Apart from triathlons, I've only ever entered a 10mile TT in Richmond park about a year ago. Can't remember what club organised it (or how I managed to enter it) but I completed it in 29:08
I'd like to enter some TT events, is http://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/ the best place to look? Is anyone allowed to enter the events on the website? I find it a little confusing/daunting.
I am a BC (Gold) member but not affiliated with any club. I noticed someone mentioned the Team VeloVelocity E2/25 event on the 5th September, I'm going to try entering that on the website.