Nowt wrong with a proper bell. Personally I have an old Lucas 'King of the Road' one that I find comes into its own when filtering down the right hand side of stationary traffic to warn any cheeky cyclists about to lurch out between cars into my path without looking. I also use it to alert motorists to my presence. Hardly ever use it for pedestrians except at that cycle lane just over the north of Blackfriars bridge where they are wont to linger.
However I find those modern 'ping' type bells really irritating (misused I might add, by folk trying to say 'get of of my way' rather than the much more respectful 'I'm here'). Like a whiney child, no gravitas. Maybe that's why people find bells annoying, because we've all got so used to their pithy ping instead of the glorious ding-a-ling of a real bicycle bell.
Nowt wrong with a proper bell. Personally I have an old Lucas 'King of the Road' one that I find comes into its own when filtering down the right hand side of stationary traffic to warn any cheeky cyclists about to lurch out between cars into my path without looking. I also use it to alert motorists to my presence. Hardly ever use it for pedestrians except at that cycle lane just over the north of Blackfriars bridge where they are wont to linger.
However I find those modern 'ping' type bells really irritating (misused I might add, by folk trying to say 'get of of my way' rather than the much more respectful 'I'm here'). Like a whiney child, no gravitas. Maybe that's why people find bells annoying, because we've all got so used to their pithy ping instead of the glorious ding-a-ling of a real bicycle bell.