It would be worth looking in to the chemicals in this product. Why does it make your hair fall out? Why does it smell of eggs? Was this its intended use? Is it a by product of some other industrial process? Is this real life? etc.
Basically, the whole idea of wet shaving with good quality lathers and getting the blade right is that you find something that helps your skin. This mysterious powder sounds a bit Fukushima.
Yeah... It contains Barium sulfide which undergoes conversion to Hydrogen sulfide in contact with water. That's the dodgy egg smell explained. No idea why it's in there. The sensitive version doesn't have it. The depilatory agent is Calcium hydroxide though, same as most other hair removal products.
Actually I'm not too worried. It's got me looking so good I got a hot date! Here's a snap from last night:
Well, reporting back on the magic powder. Tried the regular stuff first as above, worked pretty well and a two day stubble didn't produce any ingrown bumps which is a first for me. Today I slapped on the "sensitive" variety which seems basically the same but with a bit of perfume in it, the regular stuff smelled a bit of rotten eggs. Oddly enough the "sensitive" powder stung a bit and gave me some red areas. I'll continue to use the product for a few weeks, if it does indeed prevent me from getting ingrown hairs long term it's going to be worth every penny.