• #27
You two should just go for a beer next time you're in London
monkdonglover doesn't live in London so that might be tricky
• #28
I think that might have been a wry joke, considering (I think) the seller is based in Ireland.
• #29
I was serious.
Beer is serious. -
• #30
Points taken on board. I can see why it might have sounded angry.
Picture working in a bike shop all day with lads telling you about 'that class planet x they can get online for half the price you're selling yours for'. you kind of find your method of dealing with it and stick with it. I think this was a typical sounding rattier in a message than the message wasmeant to sound!
• #31
Planet X bikes are great value for money though
• #32
They are, I rather cycling the barbed wire fence my local farmer has though I find it marginally stiffer :)
• #33
Do you tell them planetx bikes are cheaper as they are thevies?
That would be bad.
• #34
Do you have them in white like these ones?