It's currently 10.6% at a stable final gravity but bottle conditioning will add around 0.2% to take it slightly higher.
Black IPA dry hopped with the same as what I used as the late hops: Amarillo, Centennial, Mosaic, Nelson Sauvin. My brewing room smells like a pack of Opal Fruits.
Coloured (and flavoured) as Kat describes: around 5%, but I do a mix of mashing some of it to get some roastiness, and then sparge for 10-15mins with the remainder to get relatively more colour than flavour. The astringency needs to be balanced out with hop bitterness.
Just bottled a Mikkeller recipe barley wine. Should be 11% odd.
Currently fermenting a 4% black IPA. Already smelling very good. S-04 yeast this time to leave a little sweetness.