Once you are past development age (say 25 tops) the length of your bones is fixed. Injected GH over long periods like a year, can increase density of bones & cartilage. But its a slow process. And would cost you about the price of a new car.
Your broken foot could have healed with locally thickened bones though, you might have some fleshy scar tissue too. In terms of the other foot, I only have a theory if you tried your shoes towards the end of the day.
Everyones feet get larger throughout each day just from standing on them all day, they get smaller again at night. Shoes are typically loose in the morning, snug in the evening.
Now, if you had been spending the whole day standing on your non broken foot, maybe it got more swollen/expanded than usual??
Since breaking my right foot, both feet seem to have grown over half a size, is this really possible? Could it have been caused by my body's reaction/healing/release of growth hormone? Could there be any other explanation? Really annoying, a lot of my shoes no longer fit...