eagerly awaiting this forum's armchair pro's to pop along momentarily to let us all know how you might have best avoided being beaten up by an aggressive, violent thug in a car.
Sitting down and thinking about it, I can imaging a better way to avoid it, which isn't exactly useful after a couple of days.
My only mistake is to ignored the driver in the first place and genuinely forget he used his vehicle as a weapon, until I hear a roar, despite the hearing aids turning off the background noise except for my iPod.
how you might have best avoided being beaten up by an aggressive, violent thug in a car.
He should probably not have been wearing a short skirt and tight top, and it's more likely that it's your fault, @greenhell, for doing something, somewhere else, to someone different, some other time, but generally giving people on bicycles a bad name, therefore legitimising them as targets for aggrieved people in cars.
You bastard.
fuckinell ed, that's appalling. here's hoping they collar the cunt and is summarily sent down for a not inconsiderable spell for assault. eagerly awaiting this forum's armchair pro's to pop along momentarily to let us all know how you might have best avoided being beaten up by an aggressive, violent thug in a car.