Completely panic mode.
Fitted a new saddle at the weekend. No long rides done on it (though it is very similar to my current saddle, just a tiny bit of padding as opposed to completely solid). Waiting on a dynamo wheel from t_w. Hopefully get that sorted tomorrow. Fitted 28mm tyres at the weekend. No idea on a sleeping plan. Every commute feels hard and is accompanied by a "ooh, was that a twinge in my knee?" feeling. No research on route. No plan beyond "follow the crowd". Worried about Shermers neck and wondering why I am entered.
If it makes you feel better, I'm riding a bike that, apart from a week in Majorca last year, I've only ridden for the club hill climb champs the last two years. We're talking 1.5hr, 2min race, 1.5hr.
Just for good measure, the saddle on it is brand new and the longest ride I've done is ~120k last Sunday. Brand new front wheel and tyres seem all good on that ride. I'm still faffing with bottle cages and top tube bag arrangement.
Sleeping plan: no sleep
Route? hahahahah Garmin hahhahaa
I can't take ibuprofen because of the anticoagulants I'm on. I do have some panadol. This is gonna hurt I think.
I'm going to use this route to get from Gare du Nord to the 'drome
I'll need to work out how to get to the hotel too. Hopefully my new French maps for the Garmin will sort that bit out.
Luggage will hopefully be able to be stored at the 'drome because I don't have the hotel for the two nights of PBP.
Off to get an SD card for these maps and wilkyboy's PBP TCX routes.
Still tweaking things on the bike. Riding without aerobars sucks. :S
Anyone else hitting panic mode yet?