Thought (high level, dilettante pipe-dream thoughts) about doing RAI about 5 years ago - RAAM crew requirements were way more stringent. Looked like if you wanted to do RAI, you could do it with a couple of mates in a Ford Fiesta full of inner tubes and Soreen. Joe Barr had his own sponsored transit van, which looked like the most swish arrangement there. Seemed a world away from the RAAM state of affairs, where every other rider seems to have a Sky-style caravan. Things may have tightened up since then.
Thought (high level, dilettante pipe-dream thoughts) about doing RAI about 5 years ago - RAAM crew requirements were way more stringent. Looked like if you wanted to do RAI, you could do it with a couple of mates in a Ford Fiesta full of inner tubes and Soreen. Joe Barr had his own sponsored transit van, which looked like the most swish arrangement there. Seemed a world away from the RAAM state of affairs, where every other rider seems to have a Sky-style caravan. Things may have tightened up since then.