According to L'Eroica's regulations (or at least the current version) it's necessary to upload a medical certificate to the site, and to have done so by 31st July 2015. News to me, and I can't for the life of me see how you're supposed to do it. It appears, in addition, that for the 135km and 209km routes the medical test has to include an ECG test. So, anyone been and got their ECG test done yet?
According to L'Eroica's regulations (or at least the current version) it's necessary to upload a medical certificate to the site, and to have done so by 31st July 2015. News to me, and I can't for the life of me see how you're supposed to do it. It appears, in addition, that for the 135km and 209km routes the medical test has to include an ECG test. So, anyone been and got their ECG test done yet?