Also suggestions for exercises (stretching) that can be done with no equipment (when on holiday) if that's possible.
Lots of yoga asanas (poses) will give a good hamstring stretch. Specifically padangusthasana (stand feet shoulder width, fold at the waist index and middle fingers catch big toe), padahastasana (same as before but hands go under feet, bend at knees a little if you need to), and Prasarita Padottanasana A through D. There are loads of videos online but they aren't hard to remember once you've done them a few times.
Minor hamstring strain (properly diagnosed thanks to free physio consultation), right at back of the knee.
Prognosis: Amputation, or if lucky, just two weeks off, 30 mins stretching a night, 30 mins a day contrabathing (fancy term for alternating warm/cold packs) and head to the gym for hamstring strengthening.
Luckily this (almost) coincides with a 2 week holiday, so I will have a 13 day gap between 5-a-side games and gets me out of doing any runs whilst in the Wall of Corn. Just have to get through another week and a bit (and 4 more games of 5-a-side which doesn't seem to aggravate it at all).
Also an excuse to use the work gym to help with hamstring strength. Any specific exercises recommended for hamstring strength? Gym has a reasonably comprehensive machine plus free weights and squat rack. Also suggestions for exercises (stretching) that can be done with no equipment (when on holiday, no foam rollers, etc) if that's possible.