Find the registry key below in regedit
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade]Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value with Name = "AllowOSUpgrade” (without the quotes), and set the Value to 0x00000001
Run cmd as an administrator, type in "wuauclt.exe /updatenow".
Press return, run Windows Update, jobs a good un.
This is a much faster way of forcing the upgrade.
Or just download a single program...
This is a crap way of doing it. Obviously it's going to work if you use the media creation tool, duh.
If you don't want to bother with the media creation tool...
Find the registry key below in regedit
Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value with Name = "AllowOSUpgrade” (without the quotes), and set the Value to 0x00000001
Run cmd as an administrator, type in "wuauclt.exe /updatenow".
Press return, run Windows Update, jobs a good un.
This is a much faster way of forcing the upgrade.