They dispelled the theory of phlogiston.
They proved the earth was round not flat.
They secured the vote for women.
They brought about an end to slavery.
They've put women in charge of nations (nations bigger than kitchens with more responsibility than making your sandwiches).
Johnny come lately's have brought about just about every change that has ever happened. They didn't do it based on whether they were first, second or last to the game. They did it based on whether they were more right than the Johnny come firstlys.
So who am I? I'm me and I'll win because I'm right or lose because you are. Your argument about whether or not you got there first are as irrelevant as everything else you've said.
Johnny come latelys?
They dispelled the theory of phlogiston.
They proved the earth was round not flat.
They secured the vote for women.
They brought about an end to slavery.
They've put women in charge of nations (nations bigger than kitchens with more responsibility than making your sandwiches).
Johnny come lately's have brought about just about every change that has ever happened. They didn't do it based on whether they were first, second or last to the game. They did it based on whether they were more right than the Johnny come firstlys.
So who am I? I'm me and I'll win because I'm right or lose because you are. Your argument about whether or not you got there first are as irrelevant as everything else you've said.