Always mildly infuriating that as what should be a smooth: touch on the brakes from you, nod/hand signal when the bus driver mirror checks, bus pulls off and you all go merrily on your way becomes: brake, nod, wave, stop, wave again, get waved at by the bus driver, get honked at from behind, slowly slink past the bus.
I like to think that maybe the driver is just panicked and doesn't want a cyclist anywhere near their vehicle as opposed to being patronising, but probably isn't always that!
I like to think that maybe the driver is just panicked and doesn't want a cyclist anywhere near their vehicle as opposed to being patronising, but probably isn't always that!
It's so pointless and stupid when they do it. They're only going to overtake you again as soon as you're in front, so you've then got to worry about what they're doing behind you and how they're going to overtake, and they've got to worry about... whatever it is they worry about. Instead of just having them in front of you where you can see them easily and them just... going. Drives me mad.
leisurely heading back from way out west, had a single decker bus indicate to pull away from the bus stop, I'm in the center of the lane as I was going to overtake and then see them indicate so slow to let them pull away. They start to pull away see me and stop, forcing me to stop to wave at them to say no you go first. Driver then starts furiously waving at me to get me to go first.
Which for some reason makes me really angry and I shout at him to drive his bus.
He then pulls away and I follow slowly behind.
Not sure what the point of behaving like traffic is, if traffic wants to ignore the fact that you are traffic and patronisingly pat you on the head whilst going ahhhh.