My PC at work autocorrects english from a dictionary containing 4 words I think. Anything it doesnt reconise it assumes is a name and adds acapital too. Twat PC.
Dont push past.
Z2 will empty you soon enough.
Just my opinion. I'd stick to low Z2 or below myself. But my aim is to be a faster cyclist. So dont want inhibit recovery in any way. Actually smash a 'Mutant* muscle gain shake' after a hard effort currently as I'm over training (happens to have a good carb:protien ratio, and is cheaper than dedicated recovery mixes). Im not really coming from a weight loss veiwpoint right now.
The point is to (deplete your gycogen stores and) take yourself near a blood sugar low.
Don't push above or don't do. y u make no sense?
You can do this with or without the fasting bit.