• #11677
I tried to beat the rain and headed out for a quick but gentle ride around Regents Park early yesterday morning. Of course, my timing was off and when I was only a couple of laps into my ride, the rain came down and i was soaked. One benefit of the rain was that it drove away most of the other cyclists; a fact that certainly improved the latter and very wet part of my ride.
When it was still dry, I was riding up the stretch towards Gloucester and overtook someone on a hybrid and pedalled on not paying much attention to him. Indeed it might even have been a her such was my lack of attention. Just a slower cyclist who I overtook allowing plenty of room.
A few seconds later my attention was grabbed by loud shouting behind me. I looked back to see three or four your men riding hard and fast screaming abuse at the slow cyclist as they passed him or her and then they went past me at speed still muttering as they went.
When overtaking someone, it is your responsibility to allow that person room, just as you would expect a car to allow you room. If you fail to do so and that slower cyclist wobbles of swerves to avoid a pothole, any crash will be your fault. There is nothing to be gained by screaming abuse at a slower cyclist when you are at fault. The most you can achieve is to put someone off cycling. What you certainly achieve is to make yourself appear to be an arrogant unthinking idiot.
• #11678
That was RPM
• #11679
My morning ride yesterday accidentally intersected the London to Cambridge ride in a few places. It was earlyish so I got the srsbsns cyclists. I would like to call out about 20% of them.
FMovistarKW especially didn't like it when I caught him up to passive-aggressively hand him back the gel wrapper he'd slung on the road. He knows many swear words.
After that I dicked about deliberately going the opposite way to where the marshalls were waving me whilst telling them they were wrong and I was going the right way. It brightened up an otherwise very wet and cold ride.
• #11680
Fuck, littering is the sort of petter crime that would make me yearn for some sort of medieval punishments. From hand chopping-off for that gel dropper, to public flaying for fly-tippers.
It's just so.... pointless. Of all the dickish crimes, littering is top. You're a massive dick, stop littering you dick. Argh. -
• #11681
A friend of mine once threw a taxi driver's discarded chip wrapper straight back through his window. Such lols
• #11682
Maybe, but I bet that in contrast to you they did at least notice what gender the cyclist was. :)
• #11683
FMovistarKW especially didn't like it when I caught him up to passive-aggressively hand him back the gel wrapper he'd slung on the road.
• #11684
Believe me, when I am in the zone (HRZone 1 or on a good day 2) I am focused.
• #11685
FMovistarKW especially didn't like it when I caught him up to passive-aggressively hand him back the gel wrapper he'd slung on the road. He knows many swear words.
Nicely done
• #11686
Calling out the bloke who swung between cars and into the cycle lane without looking causing me to slam on the anchors (no, I wasn't going too fast). When someone calls you out on it, politely, and asks you to look for oncoming cycles in future, the correct response is not, "Don't be talking to me. I don't know who you are. Don't talk to me - I don't know you."
Trying to look like the everyone-go-f*ck-yourselves badman on a battered old folding shopper bike is so not the one.
• #11687
How does he ever make new friends?
• #11688
• #11689
two bastard headwinds two days in a row, and I was not expecting to have to wear a long sleeve jersey during July
[Edit] Thought I was in a different thread LULZ
• #11690
RPM again.
• #11691
fuck the new forum
• #11692
Fuck you
• #11694
Bottle to the knee is an interesting choice of attack move.
• #11695
Not if you're an attacker armed with a bottle and very very short possblee?
• #11697
well now i've found myself agreeing a bit with peter pissing hitchins and now my day is ruined. thnaks obama!
• #11698
Wheezing slowly up a not-particularly steep hill on my far-from-lightweight bike, my backpack stuffed with books about the European Union
I lol'd
• #11699
Can anybody explain?
The perpetual anguished closing complaint of the hitchensblog.
I doubt anyone can.
• #11700
Pottering down the Fulham road today I spotted the unmistakeable silhouette of a man on a phone whilst driving his shiny new range rover. As I next criused past him I ummed and ahhhed about whether to call him out, but it is rarely a pleasant experience so decided not to. Fortunately as I filtered up to the mini roundabout at Fulham Broadway a police car was pootling the other way. Flagged them down and pointed him out in the queue. They then did all the hard work for me. 10/10 would grass up some rich douche bag again...
Looking forward to the high winds and heavy rain later - not