Need extra funds for a new build, so have to let some stuff go. Unfortunately in a bit of a rush, thus reasonable prices all round, feel free to inbox me offers though. Collection preferred, in SW16
Omniums. 6/10 condition. Pedal rub in usual place. No BB, no chainring. Slightly damaged threads but works. 172.5. £45
Nitto rb021, width 38cm 9.5 condition, few mild insertion scratches, I bought them new, £35
Hed jet, 9.5 condition, braking surface masked, clincher, with 19mm Conti, perfectly true and strong, £95
Hed disc, set up as front, has old school thread for cassette, few mild dents, hard to photograph on the carbon, perfectly true, braking surface masked, tubular, 650c, £110
Small Italian track frame, believed to be a masi, 53cm, no dents, recently resprayed by armourtex, too small, possible a road conversion changed to track ends, drilled fork undrilled rear, £110
Please excuse poor photos and Pizza Hut, will add better once I get on my computer
Need extra funds for a new build, so have to let some stuff go. Unfortunately in a bit of a rush, thus reasonable prices all round, feel free to inbox me offers though. Collection preferred, in SW16
Omniums. 6/10 condition. Pedal rub in usual place. No BB, no chainring. Slightly damaged threads but works. 172.5. £45
Look ergostem. 9/10 condition, threads all basically perfect, quill, hhsb, £70
Nitto rb021, width 38cm 9.5 condition, few mild insertion scratches, I bought them new, £35
Hed jet, 9.5 condition, braking surface masked, clincher, with 19mm Conti, perfectly true and strong, £95
Hed disc, set up as front, has old school thread for cassette, few mild dents, hard to photograph on the carbon, perfectly true, braking surface masked, tubular, 650c, £110
Small Italian track frame, believed to be a masi, 53cm, no dents, recently resprayed by armourtex, too small, possible a road conversion changed to track ends, drilled fork undrilled rear, £110
Please excuse poor photos and Pizza Hut, will add better once I get on my computer
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